Capital Women
Explore how women changed Washington, and the world, at these women’s history sites.
Begin your day in DC at the Belmont-Paul Women’s Equality National Monument, which has been home to the National Woman’s Party for the past 90 years. There you can learn about Alice Paul and the US Suffrage Movement.
From there, it’s a short walk to Union Station, which hosts a variety of restaurants and shops for a short lunch break.
Next head on over to the Clara Barton Missing Soldier’s Office Museum, where a notable suffragist and social justice advocate, Clara Barton herself lived and worked during and after the Civil War.
After another short walk you’ll find yourself at the National Museum of Women in the Arts, the only major museum in the world solely dedicated to recognizing women’s creative contributions. It features a collection of 4500 pieces of artwork by over 1000 female artists.
Finally, enjoy dinner at one of the various local restaurants in the area.