Historian Jim Buchanan Will Discuss Dana’s Brigade at Antietam

The Pry House and Napoleon J.T. Dana
On Saturday July 1st at 2:00 PM at the Pry House Field Hospital Museum Barn, Historian and Brigades of Antietam contributor Jim Buchanan will present Napoleon J. T. Dana’s Brigade during our “Artillery & Brigades of Antietam” speaker series sponsored by the Antietam Institute. Buchanan will discuss where the brigade fought, its commander, what constituted the unit, and how it performed in the campaign including the casualties sustained.
The presentation begins in the Pry Barn at 2:00 PM and is a pay-what-you-please event. There is a $3.00 suggested donation to tour the Pry House Field Hospital Museum. Members access events and tours for FREE.
The Pry House is open from 11 AM to 5 PM on Saturdays, from June 3 through October 28. It is located at 18906 Shepherdstown Pike, Keedysville, MD 21756.
James M. Buchanan received his BA and MA (History) from University of Maryland, and an MA in teaching from Antioch University. He was also a teacher in the D.C. Public Schools and Emerson College Preparatory School. He served as Associate editor of the Documentary History of the Supreme Court, 1789-1800; Program Director, National Institute for Citizen Education in the Law; Education Specialist, Federal Judicial Center; and is a volunteer and Certified Antietam Guide.
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