2023 Annual Appeal
As we near the end of 2023, we have completed the first phase of planning for our multi-year million dollar upgrade to the museum. This was almost a year long process led by the exhibit and design company Quatrefoil Associates who presented us with design and fabrications options based on the input of board members, community partners, and staff.
The first project on our list is a $65,000 upgrade to the Delaplaine Randall Conference Room. The room is used by the museum and is available to the public to rent for private events and meetings. It is in constant use as a meeting space, for presentations, for retirement and promotion ceremonies and to show our recently completed orientation video to group tours. The project will install a multi camera system that will allow us to stream and record presentations done by the leading Civil War scholars. It will also feature enhanced audio capabilities to hold hybrid and remote meetings. Plans also include replacing our projector with a state of the art video monitor.
In the past, your financial gifts in response to our annual appeals have restored a replica ambulance, conserved several of our artifacts for future generations, and purchased original Clara Barton letters. This year, our goal is to raise the final $15,000 for the project. Through the generosity of two donors we have already secured commitments totaling $50,000 for the upgrade. Your contribution of any amount will help us fully fund this first phase.